2023 Nominations Open!

Tommy Dorwin: https://forms.gle/Ss8BEMErboPZtKMm9

Kevin Klingbeil: https://forms.gle/9xtaJrup7d9A8Qsr8

Mary Jo Power Award Recipients

Nominations: Any official, excluding chief judge, that works the tournament will be added to the voting form.
Voting: Appointed officials vote on this award recipient by 5:00 on the Saturday of regionals with winner to be announced at Regionals Banquet.
Description: This award may be presented to a rated Judge, Driver, Scorer, Safety or Technical official each year at the Midwest Regionals. The purpose is to reward an official, who through unselfish hard work and dedication, contributes above the call of duty to the successful completion of the tournament. The administration of the award will be carried out by an AWSA National Director for the Midwest Region. This includes counting of the ballots, unless he or she is a possible recipient, in which case a registrar will count the ballots. The Chief Judge will not be allowed to receive this award and no one may vote for themselves. To prevent this, each person must sign their ballot. If a ballot is received unsigned, it will be voided.

  1. A judge/driver/scorer/safety/technical official who outstandingly represents himself/herself and AWSA.
  2. A judge/driver/scorer/safety/technical official who exhibits selfless dedication, hard work, and compassion.
  3. A judge/driver/scorer/safety/technical official willing to work with all tournament personnel.
  4. A judge/driver/scorer/safety/technical official who is willing at all times to accept extra burdens and challenges.
  5. A judge/driver/scorer/safety/technical official who shows complete impartiality.
1991 Wilma Nock2001 Glenn Ramey2011 Peter Dahl2021 Aaron Sander
1992 Harold & Francile Hill2002 Jim Babcock2012 Madelyn Baldwin2022 Amy Weber
1993 Steve Gallop2003 Mark Boender2013 Jeff Surdej
1994 John Shull2004 Mark Boender2014 Kelly Zoellner
1995 Paul Gutjhar2005 Jim Bec.k2015 Emily Dammeyer
1996 Rose Krueger2006 Dave Clark2016 Peter Dahl
1997 Kelly Dlugosh2007 Cory Piercy2017 George Lindy
1998 Roy, Barb & Jeff Surdej2008 Kate Knafla2018 Brian Porter
1999 Carl Trusdale2009 Tom Danford2019 Delaina Downes
2000 Cory Piercy2010 Delaina Downes2020 Kate Knafla

Tommy Dorwin Award Recipients

Nominations: Open all ski year for anyone to nominate via a google form on website or direct communication with awards chair.
Voting: Appointed officials vote on this award recipient at the officials dinner of regionals with winner to be announced at Regionals Banquet.
Description: The purpose is to reward any person, who through outstanding sportsmanship and unselfish hard work and dedication, volunteers above the call of duty to the successful completion of any tournament or event. The selection will be made by majority vote of all appointed and assigned officials
using numeric order of importance below with an emphasis on sportsmanship.

  1. Anyone who shows outstanding sportsmanship.
  2. Anyone exhibiting selfless dedication, hard work and compassion.
  3. Anyone willing to work with all tournament personnel.
  4. Anyone who helps to encourage others.
  5. Anyone who accepts extra burdens and challenges.
1970 Bob Badeau1980 Bill Sams1990 Prissy Edwards2000 No Recipient2010 Anthony Adolfino2020 Troy Zoellner
1971 Lowry Brown1981 Dan Wendt1991 David Drake2001 Bill Harris2011 George Lindy2021 Jeff Surdej
1972 Ted Beck1982 Mike Meek1992 No recipient2002 Larry Knafla2012 Darren Janzig2022 Aaron Sander
1973 Bud Piercy1983 Ray Huber1993 Jim Tranchita2003 Jeff Myers2013 Nate Smith
1974 Gary Lanoux1984 Janet Piercy1994 No Recipient2004 Mike Schmitt2014 Maggie Tierney
1975 Don Casson1985 John McGuirk1995 No Recipient2005 Matthew Beck2015 Eric Gabrielson
1976 Wilma Nock1986 No Recipient1996 Keith Lindemulder2006 Pat Sheedy2016 Danielle Dlugosh
1977 Jackie Schraft1987 No Recipient1997 No Recipient2007 Dennis Downes2017 Greg Johnson
1978 Margo Klippel1988 Garry Litchliter1998 Tom Danford2008 Delaina Downes2018 Tim Grubb, Pat Sheedy, Eric Gabrielson
1979 Nito & Joy Quitevis1989 Jac Downes1999 Rhonda Schmitt2009 Christy Kingsmill2019 Amy Weber

The Kevin Klingbeil Midwest Volunteer Award

Nominations: Open all ski year for anyone to nominate via a google form on website or direct communication with awards chair.
Voting: Open the week of Midwest regionals for the general public to vote on the winner to be announced at Regionals Banquet.
Description: This award may be presented to someone that goes above and beyond to make a tournament, club, state, and/or region run successfully. The purpose of the award will be to highlight the volunteers within our sport that do many of the tasks that are not always thought of. This can include paperwork, bringing a boat, running tournaments, dock starting, coaching, officiating, or a combination of many! Nominations will be collected by the Regional Awards Chair or Midwest EVP and voting will be by a public vote of all Midwest skiers and supporters using the Tellers committee current electronic voting

2023 –

Any updates to the records should be directed to Christy at dgskier7@yahoo.com.

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